
Where Do You Use the Most Energy in Your Home?

Are you shocked by your electricity bill? Your hydro plan might not always be to blame—whether your hydro service is based on a fixed rate or a variable plan, your household appliances’ energy use can eat up plenty of electricity on their own. These appliances can use even more electricity when they’re not properly installed or maintained.

Some of the main offenders, of course, are central heating and cooling systems.

This study from Spark Energy states that central air conditioners and heat pumps consume approximately 15,000 watts of electricity per hour, and cost roughly $1.50 per hour to run. In the peak heat of the summer and the freezing lows of winter, these units are on consistently, attributing a significant cost to your household electricity bill.

In Canada, the average use of energy per household was 97.5 gigajoules in 2013. That’s a lot of energy, and much of it is spent on heating and cooling our homes—at this rate of usage and hydro costs, why settle for poorly-installed temperature units?

Since we have 46 years of experience serving the Southern Ontario region, we know as well as anyone that, in these parts, it gets really hot in the summer and really cold in the winter. That’s why, with every unit we install and maintain, we at Applewood Air want you to make the most of your HVAC appliances’ energy use.

Contact us today to find out more about our exceptional HVAC services!

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