
Insulation Energy Saving Tips

Energy costs are rising and many homeowners are thinking about ways to make their properties more energy efficient. The most obvious, and often most effective, way to do this is by ensuring the home has proper insulation. This keeps heat from coming in during the summer and escaping during the winter.
Harness the power of insulation by using them in the following ways reduce energy use and save money.

Attic and Basement

Not surprisingly, most homeowners pay attention to areas where family members spend the most time. However, the area where your loved ones likely spend the least amount of time is the spot where you should concentrate your efforts.

Making your attic energy efficient is a top priority. This is a key area for summer heat gain and winter heat loss. Think about it: if you are trying to keep your bedrooms, dining room, and living room cool during the summer, your air conditioning system must work overtime if the temperature in your attic is 30 to 40˚ Celsius due to poor insulation. The same is true during the winter: a cold attic means extra energy to maintain comfort below. Make sure your attic insulation is doing the job.

Is your basement uncomfortably cold during the winter? Do you find yourself running a portable space heater down there? Proper insulation will make this area more in line with the rest of your home’s temperature, allowing you to use it as a rec room, workshop, or extra bedroom. Properly insulated rim joists can make a major difference in preventing that cold air invasion. Once you have the basement at a comfortable temperature, proper insulation also means it will stay desirable during the summer.

Hot Water Pipes

Most people enjoy taking a long, hot shower. Insulating your hot water pipes not only saves you energy, but also raises the water temperature more. This means the hot water arrives faster when you turn on your shower and you do not waste water waiting for your desired temperature. The materials needed for the job are quite economical and a handyman with basic skills should have no problem doing it.

Windows and Doors

While these are common areas for insulation, it never hurts to double check them. Inspect windows for gaps and cracks causing an unwanted air exchange. If water settles into those areas, it will freeze during the cold months and possibly increase the amount of lost heat or cool temperatures. Scrape off old caulk and give the windows a new coating of weatherproof silicone-based caulk.

Check the seams around all of your doors that face outside; if light is visible, air is getting through and costing you money. Also, a bottom door seal is an excellent idea for energy conservation. They are very effective at preventing hot air from leaking out and cold air from coming in. Is your weather stripping worn and torn? If so, replace it. Depending on the door, you may also be able to add some more to increase efficiency.

The professionals at Applewood have specialized in home comfort for almost 50 years. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you meet your energy conservation goals.




Image: kzenon

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