
Case study: How the little things made a big impact for this Applewood client in Oakville, Ontario

Meet Greg. Greg and his family live in an approximately 2,200 square-foot fully detached home in Oakville, Ontario. Their family home was originally constructed around 1997.

In April 2016, Greg began to consider replacing the heating and cooling system in his home. He had noticed that the bedroom over the garage, the room at the furthest point from the furnace, was continually a few degrees colder than the rest of the home.

Bringing in space heaters to that bedroom felt like a short-term and cost-heavy investment.

“The original system in the home was almost 19 years old,” Greg explained. “We weren’t getting the efficiency we wanted, so we had been talking about proactively dealing with this.”

He started making some calls to local Oakville HVAC service providers in the area to determine the best options for getting both the furnace and air conditioning units replaced. He had some close friends who recommended that he give our team at Applewood Air a call. He immediately felt a sense of trust and rapport with the team.

“Applewood was great all the way along, from the time we contacted them to Brendan coming out and doing the quote. Gave us realistic timeframes.” Getting the work done in a day, as promised, was a highlight of Applewood’s service for Greg.

“It’s the little things that make a difference,” Greg shared. “They took care of all the warranty communication between us and Lennox, and that made it a lot easier for us. We didn’t have to worry.”

In addition to immediately identifying that Greg’s duct work needed some upgrades to bring the original install up to code, Applewood technicians also handled the entire rebate process for this Oakville homeowner – from start to finish!

“Applewood looked after all the direction and administrative side of the IESO rebate process.” Greg added that they were also proactive and detailed in their delivery of the service. He was so pleased with the relationship that he receives regular maintenance service from Applewood every six months. This is good practice to maintain the heating and cooling system over time.

“It’s a funny story,” Greg shared. “When Brendan came in to look at our system, he immediately identified that the original heating and cooling unit was also an Applewood installation. We were impressed by the fact that it had lasted 19 years.”

Greg shares this story with a smile. It inspires a feeling of confidence that his investment in the new heating and cooling unit will take his family home well into the coming years. He knows that the regularly-scheduled maintenance work on his HVAC system also helps to keep it working as efficiently as possible.

“We were also pleased that Applewood did not push us into doing a leasing program. We preferred to buy the unit outright.” Financially, Greg reflected that purchasing the unit outright was the right decision to get the best return on his investment.

All the little things in their experience with Applewood Air – from the pleasant service to the timely installation of the unit – added up for this Oakville homeowner.

Want to learn more about our service offerings, and how we can help you proactively maintain or replace your home’s heating and cooling unit? We offer a free, no obligation in-home consultation before beginning any project. Call us to learn about your options!

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